Privacy policy

Privacy policy

BOGDAŃSKI S.J. JAN I CZESŁAW BOGDAŃSCY (hereinafter BOGDAŃSKI S.J.) respects the privacy of users of its websites (applies to websites, i.e. and online applications. We want everyone who visits our websites and online applications to know exactly how they can protect their privacy. Therefore, we encourage you to read the Privacy Policy of the websites and online applications located there on BwSL servers Wojciech Kamieński By using our websites and online applications, you accept the principles of the Privacy Policy


All activities related to the functioning of websites and internet applications located on servers are undertaken by:

  • entities processing data on behalf of BOGDAŃSKI S.J. based on
  • concluded contracts, including entrustment contracts.


I. All personal data collected by websites and internet applications placed on servers are collected in the following ways:

Information obtained automatically when users use our websites and online applications, i.e.:

  • Information in server logs - our servers automatically record such data as the page request sent by the user, the date and time of the request, device data (e.g. hardware model), browser type, browser language, operating system type, IP address and the so-called cookies.
  • IP address - each computer connected to the Internet is assigned a unique number, i.e. an IP address. On its basis, you can, for example, identify the country from which a given user connects to the network.
  • Cookies (so-called cookies) - small text files sent by the website visited by the Internet user to the Internet user's device (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.)

Cookie mechanism:

When using websites and internet applications hosted on servers, the web browser may store cookies on your computer's hard drive.

The content of cookies does not allow the identification of the user.

Users' personal data are not processed or stored using cookies.

The cookie mechanism is not used to obtain any information about website users or track their navigation.

BOGDAŃSKI S.J. stores cookies on users' computers in order to:

a) proper adaptation of websites and internet applications to the needs of users;

b) remembering user preferences and individual settings;

c) creating viewing statistics.

The User may independently change cookie settings at any time, specifying the conditions of their storage and access to the User's Device. The User can change the settings referred to in the previous sentence by configuring the web browser. These settings can be changed in particular in such a way as to block the automatic handling of cookies in the web browser settings.

Detailed information about the possibilities and methods of handling cookies is available on the websites of web browser manufacturers.

Restricting the use of cookies may affect some of the functionalities available on websites and online applications.

Based on cookies, we analyze the collected data using Google Analytics. Please read the Google Analytics privacy policy.

II. Providing data referred to in section I, requires consent to the processing of personal data in accordance with:

art. 7 section 1 Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27/04/2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (OJ EU L 119, p. 1);

art. 10 section 1 and 2 of the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of electronic services (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2017, item 1219);

Personally Identifiable Information Protection Act;

Act of July 16, 2004, Telecommunications Law (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2017, item 1907).


Dane osobowe zbierane przez strony i aplikacje internetowe zamieszczone na serwerach BwSL Wojciech Kamieński przeznaczone są wyłącznie na użytek BOGDAŃSKI S. J. (do celów administracyjnych i statystycznych) lub służą do zapewnienia określonych usług naszym odbiorcom (użytkownikom).

Administratorem danych osobowych zbieranych na stronach i aplikacjach internetowych zamieszczonych na serwerach BwSL Wojciech Kamieński z siedzibą w Kamionka Mała 29, 33-334 Kamionka Wielka, NIP: PL7343139801 jest  BOGDAŃSKI S.J. JAN I CZESŁAW BOGDAŃSCY z siedzibą w Nowym Sączu, ul. Kolejowa 16 (33-300), NIP: 7340009759

W sprawach ochrony danych osobowych prosimy o kontakt  pod adresem e-mail: lub pisemnie na adres: 
BOGDAŃSKI S.J. ul. Kolejowa 16, 33-300 Nowy Sącz.

Dane osobowe, podane przez użytkownika na stronach lub aplikacjach internetowych zamieszczonych na serwerach BwSL Wojciech Kamieński będą przetwarzane wyłącznie w celu do którego są zbierane. Podanie danych ma charakter dobrowolny, jednak niezbędny do realizacji celu w jakim są one zbierane. Niepodanie danych osobowych jest równoznaczne z brakiem możliwości korzystania z danego narzędzia, aplikacji internetowej, bądź usługi. 

Dane osobowe będą przechowywane do momentu wycofania zgody lub rezygnacji z usługi przez użytkownika.

Użytkownik posiada prawo dostępu do treści swoich danych oraz prawo do ich: sprostowania, usunięcia, ograniczenia przetwarzania, prawo do przenoszenia danych, prawo do cofnięcia zgody w dowolnym momencie bez wpływu na zgodność z prawem przetwarzania, którego dokonano na podstawie zgody przed jej cofnięciem.

Użytkownik ma również prawo wniesienia skargi do Prezesa Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych, gdy uzna, iż przetwarzanie danych osobowych jego dotyczących narusza przepisy RODO.

Dane osobowe użytkownika mogą zostać ujawnione innym podmiotom upoważnionym na podstawie przepisów prawa. Dane te nie będą jednak udostępniane innym instytucjom, organizacjom, osobom trzecim i nie będą przetwarzane w sposób zautomatyzowany, w tym również profilowane.


BOGDAŃSKI S.J. makes every effort to protect websites and internet applications posted on BwSL Wojciech Kamieński servers against unauthorized access by third parties.

Websites and internet applications administered by BOGDAŃSKI S.J. contain links to other websites. We recommend that after visiting other websites, you read the privacy policies applicable there, as we are not responsible for the privacy policies contained on those websites.

We are aware that we are responsible for protecting the data provided to us by users. We take security issues extremely seriously. Therefore, we make every effort to protect our websites and online applications against unauthorized access by third parties and control our methods of collecting, storing and processing information. We use devices and systems to secure data processed on servers and physical security measures.


art. 4 points 11, art. 6, art. 7 section 1 and art. 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data;

art. 10 section 1 and 2 and art. 20 of the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of electronic services (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2017, item 1219);

Act of May 10, 2018 on the protection of personal data (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1000);

Act of July 16, 2004, Telecommunications Law (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2017, item 1907);

Regulation of the Council of Ministers of April 12, 2012 on the National Interoperability Framework, minimum requirements for public registers and exchange of information in electronic form and minimum requirements for ICT systems (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2017, item 2247).

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